We have been activity in Japan with the banjo and accordion from 2012.
Our style(banjo and accordion) is very rare in the world.
We have been playing Paris Musette, Jazz, Classical, bluegrass, tango and more.
In 2012, we released our first CD "Banjo & Accordion" featuring just banjo and accordion.
And we released 7 CD so far.

Tomonori has been activity in Japan. he was active not only in country music and bluegrass music, and challenge to a variety of genres. He is pursuing the possibility of a banjo, and he is working to spread the activities of the banjo.
Centered on the activities of the recently "Banjo & Accordion", both players of various other genres co-star.
TAKAKO SHIBATA (Accordion Player)

Takako has been activity in Japan. Performance activity in "Banjo & Accordion" with the banjo player Tomonori Inagawa, and they released 7CD.
YAMAHA accordion instructor in Japan.
Musa Music Accordion School representative.
"Rugby World Cup 2019"
This year, "Rugby World Cup 2019" was held in Japan.
We "Banjo & Accordion" played at TOYOTA venue.
Next time of Rugby World Cup will be held in France. We played in the center music of France.
We "Banjo & Accordion" also play in a Japanese traditional temples.
This year we played at Fumonji Temple.
"Fumonji Temple" is very famous temple for autumn leaves.
It looks like a small Kyoto.

We "Banjo & Accordion" was featured on an Australian radio program over 2 weeks.
